The Coach House Gallery

The Coach House Gallery - Tennis Court 3

The Coach House Gallery is based upon many years of collecting original artworks by skilled artists.  After many years of practising as an architect, Mike was keen to accept a new challenge, which he hopes will bring enjoyment and satisfaction, and an opportunity to work more closely with family and friends. 

The Gallery is based at The Coach House in Holly Street, Leamington Spa.  It is primarily internet based, but viewings can be arranged.  The website ( is active, and will soon have additional features, including being able to place the artworks on photographs of the proposed room, to get an accurate impression, with optional suggestions and advice.

Personal taste has meant that many works are semi-abstract, with recognisable themes and subjects, and personal interests have meant categories including architecture and motoring, although quality and talent are the predominant factors.   The artworks are unique, but affordable.

The Gallery is looking to sponsor and work with talented artists by purchasing their work, and promoting commissions. There are currently three artists in the team, with hopefully more to follow.


Rewarding, fun and costs less than you might think!

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